Strong Typed template an example

HTML05UP Strong Typed generated without template keys.

HTML05UP Strong Typed generated with template keys.
Compare the layout number in the web page with the numbers in the webpage explorer

If you found a layout number in the web page, you will find the corresponding layout number in the webpage explorer.

Awsome icons

AJ likes these icons! But how do the look and what are they called?

    More templates included in the webkeytemplate setup.

    Share your work thru webkeytemplate.

    You can do that....

    If you upload a zip file with the exported project to webkeytemplate, and if we find it good enough we will publish it.
    The template needs to be responsive to qualify. Webkeytemplate is not obliged to accept all uploads.

    We can add a link to a demopage if you want.

    The demopage could show how the page looks like without layoutid and keys, and one page with layoutid and keys and finally a page with the screenshoot from the webkey explorer would be nice.
    Some information about your self, origin, name, company name, anything special about your work.

    Webkeytemplate will view and publish your work, depending on workload it can take a day or two.

    Please mention what kind of category your template belongs to.

    An idea of how your demo could look like....?

  • Your project name "Vira" The Number one cardgame in Sweden

  • Without layoutid's and keys

    This template layout is build from the MathewJamesTaylor website. We use his liquid layouts. To find out more about his work go to his site

    With layoutid's and keys..... and some info about you

    The author of this template is a fanatic Vira cardgame player, because the game is a combination of logic, math, phychology and random.
    It's been played in Sweden for 200 years now, and there has for the last years been held a Swedish Championship once a year.

    Describe how you have structured your layouts.

    The template is build of layouts like mjt1col_stacked which is a fullpage layout. The mjt2colL_stacked is a two column layout with a left sidebar.
    These are the layouts shown in the screenshots. The template has not a responsive design and is best suited for Pc and pads.